Apa itu lock iCloud clean? Lock iCloud Clean adalah produk yang dapat membuka kunci iCloud pada perangkat Apple yang terkunci. Bagaimana cara menggunakan Lock iCloud Clean? Anda dapat menggunakan Lock iCloud Clean dengan mengikuti petunjuk yang terdapat pada kemasan produk atau mengunjungi website resmi apple developver
penafian singkat untuk kamu yang masih bertanya tanya kenapa i phone terkunci masih bisa di gunakan,
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bagi kamu yang kesulitan untuk bagaimana cara membuka kunci i cloud dengan mudah, cepat dan murah.
kamu bisa menghubungi RHMN ID FIXER di nomor whats app 0895627745200 untuk mengetahui harga terbaru jasa unlock i cloud semua tipe i phone yang terkunci i cloud biasanya proses unlock icloud membutuhkan waktu 1 sampai 3 hari tergantung server
Get the Bypass Code for Activation Lock
PUT https://yourmdmhost.example.com/mdm
The command to get the code to bypass Activation Lock on a device.
Response Codes
A response from the device after it processes the command to get the Activation Lock bypass code.
iOS 7.1 adds support for bypassing Activation Lock. This allows organizations to remove the Activation Lock from supervised devices prior to device activation without knowing the userʼs personal Apple ID and password. Use this command to retrieve the device’s bypass code.
When an iOS device is a supervised device, it generates a device-specific Activation Lock bypass code. The activation server verifies this code to bypass Activation Lock on the device. For more information, see Creating and Using Bypass Codes.
A device creates a new bypass code when:
Setting up the device the first time.
Erasing and not restoring the device from a backup.
Erasing and restoring the device from a backup from a different device.
Query Availability
Example Request and Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"><plist version="1.0"><dict> <key>Command</key> <dict> <key>RequestType</key> <string>ActivationLockBypassCode</string> </dict> <key>CommandUUID</key> <string>0001_ActivationLockBypassCode</string></dict></plist>
object Activation Lock Bypass Code Command
object Activation Lock Bypass Code Response
See Also
Security Information
List the Certificates
Clear the Bypass Code for Activation Lock
Rotate the File Vault Key